This site was created to chronicle the significant events in the immigration process of Chinese, Italian and Jewish Canadians in line with major changes in the policy throughout Canadian history

October, l946
Canadian Views of Immigration

A Gallup Poll was conducted to assess Canadians’ view of immigration. The results of the poll highlighted the anti-Jewish sentiment of Canadians. Canadians were asked if there were any specific nationalities they would prefer to keep out in the event Canada relaxed her immigration policies. The results showed that Canadians ranked the Japanese first on the list in light of their role in the war. Second to the Japanese, however, were not the Germans, but Jews. The results of this poll is significant as it alludes to the notion that perhaps the government’s lack of aid during the interwar years may have been a manifestation of the will of “the people.” The results bring to light the need to critically examine the role of average Canadians in shaping immigration policies (and consequently, refusing Jewish immigrants/refugees.)